As the Big Data hype cycle has swelled over the past two years, all sorts of people (hardware vendors, marketers, software vendors, business analysts, social media analysts, data scientists, etc) have jumped on to the bandwagon. Everyone wants a piece of Big Data on their resume, it seems.
Of course Big Data solutions (involving a NoSQL database and analysis to solve business problems that involve high velocity, variety, and volume of data) do have a huge potential to revolutionize marketing, customer care and supply chain in a host of industries.
However it seems to me that in this rush to find and solve problems involving 'Big Data', many companies are overlooking the potential to use large structured data-sets to transform their business. One of the applications of 'Large Data' is in real-time marketing. By 'real-time marketing', I am referring to the ability of the marketer to customize and automate marketing campaigns on a real-time basis.
If you think this is a trivial issue, answer the following questions:
1) How many marketers (OK, let's count Amazon, Macy's and Tesco out) send offers that are personalized to the browsing and transactional activity of each customer?
2) How many marketers put in an effort to customize their website landing page to the prior purchases of the customer or to the search term the visitor came from?
3) How many marketers customize the banners on their website to the preferences and the search history of the customer?
4) How many marketers follow the rule of not sending email to someone who hasn't responded to the last X offers? or set a rule for not sending more than Y communications to any particular customer?
...As it turns out, not a lot!
So as I said before, please get your 'Large Data' real-time marketing in order before you jump on to the Big Data bandwagon.